In this edition 5.3 of UPDATE discover in our President’s message what the blind men and the elephant have to do with the oil and gas industry. See an outline of the economic benefits the industry is to Utah. Take a peek at how we are tackling the issues of air quality and our latch the hatch program. See the recap of our Lunch & Learns and events for 2024. Welcome our newest members of this past year and read the summary of the 2024 Rulemakings.
Issue 5.2…
In this edition 5.2 of UPDATE find out the meaning in the President’s message of “many hands make light work”. Also meet our new addition to UPA, Eden Newell, Manager of Strategic Partnerships and Engagement. Find out more about SITLA’s Permanent Fund and the contribution it will make public schools. And view some fun photos from our Topgolf event and read about our chosen charity that will benefit!
Issue 5.1…
In this edition 5.1 of UPDATE read Rikki’s thoughts about how energy abundance lifts people out of poverty and why that higher quality of life contributes to incredible gains. Also learn about the many accomplishments of this year’s legislative session. Read an update on our Annual Meeting held at the beautiful Sundance Resort and a recap of our Operator’s Food Drive and Basin Shootout event. Also see the winners of our safety and environmental awards and photo contest!
Issue 4.3…
In this edition 4.3 of UPDATE we talk about what is going on with public lands and the federal government’s desire to prioritize conservation above all else, but what is the downside? Rikki’s thoughts about the abundance of natural resources and the profound impact they make on our daily lives. Also learn that it isn’t just about filling up our tank at the gas station but about the diversity of thousands petrochemical products produced from this great resource. See the many sponsors and players that came to enjoy the day…and the rain…at the Oil and Gas Classic held in August. Also read about our current safety and environmental awards and photo contest that all members have the opportunity to participate in and more!
Issue 4.2…
In this edition 4.2 of UPDATE read about the many successes of this year’s Legislative Session and the diversity of legislation introduced and passed. Rikki’s thoughts on the gift of abundance and the industry benefits along with its issues, the people and their ability to solve problems. Read about “The Junction” and the importance of getting crude out to the wider world and UPA’s thoughts on the current rail situation. See the highlights of our Annual Meeting in March and the many guests and speakers that brought a depth of information for our attendees and more!
Issue 4.1…
In this edition 4.1 of UPDATE we would like to tout the generosity of our many members! Rikki’s thoughts on Harvesting Gratitude speaks about the way those in the industry go above and beyond to be good stewards of the environment and our communities. Learn more about our Latch the Hatch initiative and the difference it is making in the Basin! See what happened when the producers in the Basin compete for the Shootout Hunger Food Drive – you won’t believe it! See what our member companies are doing to better their communities and more!
Issue 3.4…
Come view our newest edition 3.4 of UPDATE! Read about Rikki’s thoughts on the generosity of our members and the many unseen ways they benefit our state and local communities, learn about the value of the oil and gas industry in Utah and view the first annual oil and gas tracker, discover all that goes into the price of a gallon of gas and why prices continue to run high, see photos from our first ever fly fishing event and more!
Issue 3.3…
Included in this issue you will find Rikki’s thoughts on the ripple effects of the Ukraine war and the inconvenient truth about our current administration’s polices on energy production, see highlights of our Annual Meeting and our safety award winners, read about our newly started Transportation Committee and get the current Regulatory Update and more!
Issue 3.2…
View edition 3.2 of UPDATE! Included in this issue is Rikki’s take on the reasons for the staying power of oil and natural gas, learn more about the new apprenticeship program initiative, investigate reasons behind Utah’s strong economic outlook, and get a regulatory update on Utah’s Air. Also included is an overview of UPA’s new safety awards and much more!
Issue 3.1…
Open up our newest edition 3.1 of UPDATE! Come read our President’s perspective on oil development and production in the current political challenges, find out all about Ozone and how it is formed, and see how women are stepping up in the industry. See photos of our many generous sponsors that participated in our Golf Tournament and Shootout in the Uinta Basin and the companies that helped fill the food bank shelves. Also learn about the new Latch the Hatch initiative and much more!
Issue 2.3…
Just out is version 2.3 of UPDATE! Read an interesting interview with a cyber security expert on what we should be considering for our businesses and find out what our President thinks about the meaning of resilience. We are also spotlighting our members are are proud of how safety is an integral part. Also learn about the incredible community giving that is going on within the industry!
Issue 2.2…
See what’s interesting in version 2.2 of UPDATE! Find out the impacts of Biden’s actions on Oil and Gas, learn more about the COVID vaccine and what it means for employers, and our President’s message on the disconnect between living our lives and understanding what makes our lives possible, the legislative wrap-up and more!
Issue 2.1…
Welcome to edition 2.1 of the UPDATE! Read the President Message on future industry insights, updates for both upstream and downstream, legislative recap, see the many ways the industry is supporting and contributing to our communities, and more!

Issue 4…
Welcome to our 4th edition of UPDATE! Read the President Message on how UPA is overcoming 2020 difficulties and making solid progress, as well as information on Understanding the Risk Equation, Industrial Cybersecurity, Strategic Communications, Impacts of COVID-19 on the Energy Industry and more!
Issue 3…
Welcome to our 3rd edition of UPDATE! Get the latest President Message covering changes in the industry and COVID-19 issues, 2020 Legislative Session Recap, Updates on Upstream and Downstream, Recap on our Lunch & Learn with the EPA and our Annual Meeting, and more!
Issue 2…
Welcome to our 2nd edition of UPDATE! Meet our new UPA Executive Committee Chair, see the Presidents Message, Upstream and Downstream Updates, New Federal Over Time Laws, Economic Forecast for 2020, and more!
Issue 1…
Welcome to our first edition of UPDATE, the official publication of the Utah Petroleum Association! We look forward to telling the story of oil & gas- who we are, what we stand for, and the many ways UPA and its members are working together to fuel Utah’s growth and prosperity.