We need you
as an advocate…

As many of you know or may have heard, the Biden Administration has placed an open-ended moratorium on federal oil and natural gas leasing and initiated a review on a number of other natural resource activities including making the electric grid carbon-free, increasing royalty rates, and much more. We expect actions like this to continue from DC.
Here in Utah, we are blessed with abundant natural resources, oil and natural gas among them. These resources power our daily lives, keep our heating and electricity costs low, and serve as a major cog in Utah’s best-in-the-nation economy. The actions of the Biden Administration, if they’re allowed to persist, will likely have negative consequences for our communities and our prosperity. It is therefore incumbent upon us to tell our side of the story and advocate on our own behalf. That’s why we’re launching Utah Energy United.
We’re seeking folks just like you to build a team of advocates who understand and can articulate the benefits of a robust oil and natural gas industry. We have a story to tell, and it’s up to us to tell it. Will you help us by both signing up yourself and also reaching out to the community at-large to engage those not directly in our industry? You might be asking: Like who?
We want folks who understand the positive impact oil and gas has on Utah: The favorite cafe of your field crew. The water hauler who works with you. Friends, neighbors, or fellow churchgoers who may not work in the industry, but recognize its importance. Basically, we want a chorus of voices from across the community and the economy to help paint a complete picture of how oil and gas benefits Utah.
What’s required of you? First, we hope you’ll sign up yourself. Second, we would appreciate your help in spreading the word. Then, once we have a group established, we need people who are willing to sign their names to letters to federal leaders, collaborate on op-eds and letters to the editor for media (don’t worry, you’ll have a lot of assistance from us in drafting these, if you want it), post on social media, or even appear in videos that help tell our story.
In the near future, we’d like to kick off this project with a Zoom call where we can gather info and provide some context and further guidance for what we’re doing. That meeting will be scheduled soon. All we ask right now is for you to fill out the form (see right). From there we will get in touch with you and talk about next steps.
That’s it! We cannot do this alone, we need as many voices as are willing to tell Washington, DC their actions have consequences on us all, and we deserve to be heard. We can’t wait to have you join us!