A Very HUGE THANK YOU to our member companies that participated in the 2022 Food Drive competition:

Total Pounds of Food Donated: 37,750 lbs.

Congratulations to Javelin Energy for winning 1st place and are now the proud owners of the Pump Jack traveling trophy. They will have the trophy for year along with bragging rights and will hand off to next years winner. A very big thank you to all the companies that competed. You made a huge difference to the local food bank and to the lives of many struggling to put food on the table.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in our Uinta Basin Energy Operators SHOOTOUT HUNGER FOOD DRIVE COMPETITION! Join us for a great opportunity to fill the shelves of the Basin’s local food pantry and give back to the community in which we work and live. Every employee is eligible to participate so it’s all hands on deck for this one! We encourage all operators to compete, whether large or small, and let’s see how much of a difference we can make. The winner will receive local recognition, an awesome trophy as well as bragging rights for the entire year!
Competition results will be announced at the UPA Basin Shootout during lunch on September 29th from 12-1 p.m. at the Pleasant Valley Hunting Preserve in Myton, UT. Shootout participation is not required, but we would love to have your company come and be part of the fun and sponsor a team. Register for the Shootout HERE.

Competition Rules:
- Please register before the start date of September 12, 2022 (see registration form below). Late entries will be accepted but you will have to hustle to make up for any lost time.
- When registering, include the number of employees at your Uinta Basin location. This number will be used to divide the total contribution weight to arrive at your final score. This will level the playing field so that companies both small and large can compete together. Your honesty is appreciated.
- Designate a person from your company to be the contact person for UPA, present for the food bank weigh-in and also at the Shootout lunch for the awards. This person will also be responsible for forwarding the mail, printing and hanging signage, encouraging and reminding employees to bring donations, and organizing the logistics of the weigh-in.
- Collect donations during competition dates and bring it all in together for weigh-in on Sept. 28th at 3:00 p.m.* at the Duchesne County Food Pantry (420 E. 100 S., Roosevelt). *Photo Op: Please be there at 3:00 p.m. sharp to be included in the big photo with all those bringing contributions. Come in a company truck with logo if possible.
- Attend the Shootout lunch where winners of the competition will be announced. We encourage you to participate in the Basin Shootout, but participation is not required to compete in the food drive. If you are not participating in the Shootout, you may wish to join us for lunch at $20 per person. Signup and prepay for lunch at https://utahpetroleum.org/shootout-registration/. Thank you!