Bringing industry together to understand and unite on proposed regulations and advocating industry's position with key regulatory agencies.
The Utah Petroleum Association (UPA) is a Utah based, statewide petroleum trade association representing companies involved in all aspects of Utah’s oil and gas industry. We exist to serve our member companies and advance the responsible development of Utah’s natural resources and manufacture of fuels that drive Utah’s economy.

Be an Advocate
Utah Energy United is a team of advocates who understand and can articulate the benefits of a robust oil and natural gas industry. We have a voice and a story to tell, and it’s up to us to tell it. But we need your help! Join your voice with ours and sign up as an energy advocate.
2025 Annual Meeting
Join us at our upcoming 2025 Annual Meeting on March 17th & 18th at the beautiful Sundance Resort. Come enjoy a day of skiing or snowboarding, make new industry friends and enjoy a host of interesting speakers. Online registration is open!
Wildlife & Energy Photo Contest
Submit your snaps for our Wildlife & Energy Photo Contest! We want to highlight wildlife diversity that exists around energy structures and equipment. Members can win cash prizes for the best photo. Send in your entries soon as contest deadline is February 1, 2025.
In this edition 5.3 of UPDATE discover in our President’s message what the blind men and the elephant have to do with the oil and gas industry. See an outline of the economic benefits the industry is to Utah. Take a peek at how we are tackling the issues of air quality and our latch the hatch program. See the recap of our Lunch & Learns and events for 2024. Welcome our newest members of this past year and read the summary of the 2024 Rulemakings.